Our Results
In this section you can see project's results.
I.O.1: The Network of Women from Rural Communities (NWRC)
NWRC is a collaborative network that enables the connection and exchange of ideas, initiatives, actions of regional or European agriculture, social innovations and cooperation in the aspect of agriculture and food system between various stakeholders in the process of lifelong learning.The Strategic Plan, as a guide to the implementation of the Network of Women from Rural Communities (NWRC) work, was created out of the need for defining future guidelines that would enable continuity of operation, more systematic monitoring of accomplished results and better assessment of effects. The purpose is to create a strategic framework with shared goals for how members/partners will aspire to achieve the NWRC vision through collective impact. Read more

I.O.2: The Platform Community Access to Fresh Foods
The online platform was created as an open educational resource. It is a virtual space that guarantees equal access to lifelong learning opportunities for women from rural areas, adult facilitators/educators, community groups, organizations or other stakeholders. The platform offers e-learning opportunities, as well as a virtual space for cooperation between stakeholders and connecting women with women to exchange knowledge and experiences (peer learning). Read more
I.O.3: The Guide Access to Fresh Foods
One of the aims of this paper is to give insight into the main typologies of Local Food Systems (LFS) initiatives and Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) and discuss their potential benefits. The second objective is to present success cases present in all the countries of the project partners, to provide ideas and suggestions to rural women farmers. The ultimate goal is to raise consciousness on the potential of LFSs and SFSCs initiatives for achieving local development, better market access to smallholders, and higher food quality to consumers, and to consider how these initiatives may be developed sustainably. Read more

I.O.4: RWSFF Training of Trainers Course (RWSFF ToT) with 4 modules
A training course for trainers with 4 modules provides training for adult educators who are interested in working with women in rural areas. It is a framework that combines different characteristics and principles with a special focus on meaningful learning to take advantage of various local opportunities and contribute to the empowerment and education of rural women by promoting agricultural entrepreneurship as well as additional agricultural-related components of the rural economy for applying knowledge and skills in real situations. Read more